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Clinical Psychology

  • Baird, A.A., Veague, H.B., & Rabbitt, C.E. (2005). Developmental precipitants of borderline personality disorder. Development and Psychopathology, 17(4), 1031-49. |PDF|
  • Gordon, H.L., Baird, A.A., & End, A. (2004). Functional differences among those high and low on a trait measure of psychopathy. Biological Psychiatry, 56(7), 516-521. |PDF|
  • Levine, J.B., Gruber, S.A., & Baird, A.A. (1998). Obsessive-compulsive disorder among schizophrenic patients: An exploratory study using functional magnetic resonance imaging data. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 39(5), 308-311. |PDF|
  • Naeser, M.A., Martin, P.I., Baker, E.H., Hodge, S.M., Sczerzenie, S.E., Nicholas, M., Palumbo, C.L., Goodglass, H., Wingfield, A., Samaraweera, R., Harris, G., Baird, A., Renshaw, P., & Yurgelun-Todd, D. (2004). Overt propositional speech in chronic nonfluent aphasia studied with the dynamic susceptibility contrast fMRI method. NeuroImage, 22(1), 29-41. |PDF|
  • Quattrocki, E., & Baird, A. Yurgelen-Todd, D. (2000). Biological aspects of the link between smoking and depression. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 8(3), 99-110. |Abstract|
  • Yurgelun-Todd, D.A., Gruber, S.A., Kanayama, G., Killgore, W., Baird, A.A., & Young, A.D. (2000). fMRI during affect discrimination in bipolar affective disorder. Bipolar Disorders, 2(3), 237-248. |PDF|